
My Internet world
Is evolving so quickly
I am feeling lost

Between LJ’s latest “clarification” of policies and MyYahoo’s new beta, I’m feeling a bit out of sorts today. More people are leaving LJ for InsaneJournal—which I like, except that the default font is extra-super-tiny, and they don’t have “?style=mine” implemented, so whenever I click on a cut or comment, it reverts back to the default and I can barely read it. The same actually applies to all the non-LJ journaling sites—no “?style=mine”, but JournalFen’s default is decently readable, and GJ’s is marginally so. It’s IJ that makes me hold my laptop up to my face and squint. But IJ seems to be the favorite choice of LJ ex-patriots, so it seems I must deal with it.

And MyYahoo is going to totally lose me when they implement their new look. I’ve tried the beta twice now, and keep finding more reasons to hate it. I only switched in the first place because they deleted their old TV Listings module, so you can only get TV listings if you switch to the new beta. However. The new beta has big, intrusive, animated ads; no ability to change the default font size; news item previews in Javascript pop-ups, which I hate, instead of just listing the first few lines of the item below the headline. And, to top it all off, when I tried to set up my TV listings in the beta, it refused to get my provider right. So it’s no use for TV listings anyway. I ended up setting up a separate page for TV Guide listings, and will stick to the old MyYahoo as long as they keep the old look. Meanwhile, I’ll look around for another portal site.

Tomorrow, the new Harry Potter book will be out. I’ll go into town early and pick up a copy at Books & Crannies. I’ve managed to avoid spoilers so far. Last year, I got spoiled by spoiler trolls posting in the comments of totally unrelated posts. This year, I’m not even clicking on the comments to community posts.

Yesterday, after work, I stopped by the Farmer’s Market and bought some fresh fruits and vegetables, had a dish of pina colada ice, listened to a bit of music. It was nice, I should plan to make that a Thursday afternoon thing while the Farmer’s Market is on. I bought a jar of soft goat cheese in oil with herbs and olives and had half of it for dinner with little plum tomatoes and kalamata olives. Yum!

Today, I’ll go do my second midweek run, then I’ll start on some chores. Maybe I’ll try to get some weed-chopping done, after checking the generators. I made an appointment yesterday with 3Way Chevrolet for Monday at 10:30, so I’ll be in Bakersfield most of Monday. I’ll need to do whatever housecleaning I’m going to do this weekend today or tomorrow. I’m also thinking about going to see the Transformers movie again, as long as it’s still playing in town, so it’s going to be a full weekend.

I took this photo out the window of the car as we were leaving Las Vegas.

Leaving Las Vegas

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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