
Another late night
Worrying about a cat
Who won’t come inside

Bleah. I’m feeling all out of sorts again. I didn’t get enough sleep last night—combination of restless legs and a cat who decided to stay out late and wouldn’t come in when I called him. I went to bed a little after ten, but only dozed, getting up every hour or so to check the doors, until Spot finally came in at 1:30 am. Even when he was back, I was restless. I stayed in bed until a little after 8 am, trying to catch up on sleep. I feel rested enough, I’m just all whiny. I’m too fat, I’m too lazy, why can’t I ever get anything done, blah, blah, blah.

I spent a few hours this morning updating my LibraryThing. I added the latest books the other day, and while I was at it, I put a widget on my blog that lists five random books from my library. I like it, but a lot of my books are missing cover images, and I thought I’d go back and add them to all the books that don’t have them. Some of them already have user-added images I can use, but some of them I have to scan myself. I got through the first six pages or so when I realized that if I sorted my library by author it would be a  lot easier, since all my books are arranged by author. So I’ve started over and am on the second page of the author listings. But I added quite a few images.

When I get done adding images, I’ll start adding books again—I still have three or four shelves of books to go on the big bookcase—and I’ll do it with my scanner handy and add images as I go, which will be a lot easier than doing it later.

So,  new project to while away the time. One that is of no real use, but is fun.

While I was lying awake waiting for Spot to come in last night, I was thinking of a Transformers story. It’s about Optimus Prime and Megatron, and what it was like before  they became enemies, and why the break happened, and how they might reconcile. I feel like being all Transformer-y, collecting books and toys and writing stories and whatnot, but I don’t quite have the energy to jump wholeheartedly into fandom. Plus, my impression from a distance is that Transformers fandom is strong with the batshittery.  But I may dip my toe into the waters, if I can find a likely place.

I’m getting pretty weary of all the LJ controversy lately. I wish people would just either go, if they’re going to, or stay, and shut up about it. I may have to stop checking my GJ friendslist for a while—there’s someone who posts on the fandomtossed community who really annoys me. Funny thing is, she really annoyed me when I ran into her when she used to be on LJ. I never knew she moved to GJ (for what seems to me to be a pretty petty reason), and now she’s annoying me there, going on about how evil LJ is and how mock-worthy are any reasons anyone puts forth for staying. Eh. I wish I knew how to killfile someone on a journal site—the community still has some interesting news every once in a while. Maybe not enough to put up with certain people’s sniping.

Here’s yet another photo of the guy who keeps me up at night.

Spot on the carpet

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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