
Morning exercise
Running around in circles
Another two miles

I meant to get up at 7am this morning, and managed about 7:20, which has worked out all right—I did my run, showered, and have about ten minutes to write a quick ramble. I am trying to get back into the habit of going to bed at 10 pm, especially now that all my shows are in reruns and there’s no reason to stay up until 11 pm, but now that I’m not watching TV, I’m reading instead, and have been staying up later to finish books. It makes me happy that I’m getting back into reading, though, and that there are books good enough to keep me turning the pages until late at night. But I must be firm with myself and put the books down, so I can get my sleep and get up early to run.

Last night, I finished Fortune Teller, the next Vadim novel by Donald James. I still have Vadim to read, and I think there may be another one or two out there. Right now, I’m reading Anansi Boys, which I started at the Chevy dealership on Monday. And I’ve still got a big stack of books sitting my the couch that I haven’t read yet.

Here is a photo of some funny little white flowers with round green leaves that grew beside my garage a couple of years ago.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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