
Tuesday morning comes
Where did the weekend go? May
I have another?

My haiku is a bit fractured this  morning, but I’m in a bit of a hurry, again. Slept till 8 am (after going to bed by 10 pm—I was very tired yesterday), got my morning chores done, took a shower, and now it’s after 10 am.

Yesterday’s auto appointment took much longer than expected. We were there by 10:30 am, right on time, turned in the truck and went to Barnes & Noble, where I bought books! I found Transformers trade paperback comics! I bought two, the Movie Prequel and the Movie Adaptation. There are many many others. Eep! I feel my wallet growing thinner as I write. Also picked up a couple of paperback novels, Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys and something by Neal Stephenson. Hm. Two Neil/Neal authors. Coincidence?

Then we went to lunch at Mimi’s Cafe, next to the book store, and had a wonderful meal! I had a chicken tostada salad and fresh lemonade. Mom had a crab cake. We both really enjoyed it. They always have good food there.

By then, it was nearly noon, and I figured it was time to go back and see how they were doing on my truck. Well. They hadn’t even started on it yet. My guy said they were very backed up. So we went to the customer’s lounge and hung about. I started reading Anansi Boys, and it was very good, but I really didn’t want to spend my entire day in Bakersfield. I’d put off cleaning the fish tank because I thought we’d be home early afternoon. But it was not to be—it was around 3:30 pm by the time we finally got out of there. Then we stopped at Murray Farms on the way home to buy vegetables and such, and then the post office, and it was 5 pm by the time we got back to town and I was hungry again and hadn’t had time to go grocery shopping, so we stopped at Dom Perico’s, a new Mexican restaurant in town, for dinner. I’d heard that it wasn’t very good—and it wasn’t. But it was food.

So, all in all, I got home around 6 pm, and still had the fish tank cleaning and water pumping to do, along with the usual evening chores. (I like to wait till after I finish the fish tank to pump water, because pumping stirs up the tank and I don’t want the crud at the bottom to get into the fish tank.) My lack of sleep the night before was really getting to me by the time everything was done, so I went to bed at 9:30 and read for half an hour before turning the lights off.

Still. I got things done this weekend: did the generator maintenance, planted my solar moler, got the truck fixed; and I did some fun stuff this weekend: read Harry Potter, saw the Transformers movie again, and bought some books and had a lovely lunch in Bakersfield.

I didn’t get any housecleaning or grocery shopping done, though. I may be able to sneak by till Friday before buying groceries. And housecleaning, as always, will wait another week.

I am mulling over whether the Transformers comics count as movie merchandise or not. They are happily free of the racial stereotypes in the movie itself, but they are still copyright Dreamworks and Paramount, and some sort of licensing fee must have been paid. Hm. Since they are movie tie-ins, I think they should count, which adds $38 to my total spent on the movie, yikes! That’s $76 to SPLC, in addition to the $15 owed from the last movie ticket. Guess I’ll be writing a $100 check soon.

I have thoughts about the latest LJ suspension discussion, but no time to write them out. I suppose I should be posting my thoughts on LJ, anyway, instead of here where no one will see them.

Oh! One other thing. I had to stop in the road on my way home yesterday to herd a big snake out of the road. Heh. It was black and light yellow, very pretty. They like to lie in the sun on the dirt, I guess, I’ve had to go around them before, but this one was right in the middle and I couldn’t go round, so I stopped and got out and shooed it on its way. They aren’t afraid of cars or people, but standing right behind it making shooing noises got it reluctantly moving off the road.

This is my truck.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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