
Dank smell of wet leaves
Gray skies glimpsed through my window
Summer rains have come

It’s raining! Water is falling from the sky! How unexpected! (And I’ve got laundry outside on the line, naturally.) Summer rains are fun and exciting when they’re so rare. I should probably bring my clothes in and hang them on the indoor rack, but I haven’t got time this morning—I’ll be leaving in fifteen minutes to go to Bakersfield to get my truck worked on. Mom just headed into town to drop off her car at the repair shop there, and I’ll pick her up on my way. We have no particular plans—I imagine we’ll at least get lunch somewhere—but we’ll have a trip to Bakersfield anyway. I haven’t been there in a while! Since I don’t have to have my port flushed any more, I don’t get into Bakersfield that often. I guess jury duty was the last time I was there.

So. I stayed up last night to finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I finished it around midnight, but then was too wound up to go right to bed, so I skimmed back in my friendslist to find all the posts about the book I hadn’t been able to read before. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not being a big fan of any particular character or combination of characters, I was open to anything that happened, and was quite satisfied with the conclusion. I don’t have cut tags here, so I won’t say anything more specific. Guess it’s time to make an lj post again!

I also went to see Transformers again yesterday afternoon.  I think that will be my last time seeing it in the theater. I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the DVD. There are scenes I want to slo-mo through so I can figure out exactly what’s going on! I still have trouble telling all the robots apart during the big fight scenes at the end.

I think I like it more each time I see it. I paid attention to the crowd scenes more this time and noticed that there were a lot more people of color in the extras than I’d thought. They were just so much in the background that they weren’t very noticeable. And the scenes that bothered me the first time through, I find less bothersome on re-watching. I don’t know if that’s just because I’m used to them, or if the things that stood out on first watching  are less obtrusive when I’m not surprised by them and see them from the perspective of the whole performance. I’m not saying I think the movie doesn’t have troubling racial stereotypes, only that the impact is different on re-watching.

My run went well yesterday, although it was pretty slow. But I finished my nine miles with no problems. All in all, it was a good day yesterday.

And now I’d better get going. I’ll have to add a picture later.

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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