
Fresh morning breezes
Bearing bright scents of summer
Come through my window

I think I have finally gotten enough sleep. Ironically, after spending an extremely restless and uncomfortable night. Even so, I got up at 9 am feeling energized and ready to go.

I’ll be going out to do my morning run when I finish this. I meant to do it yesterday, but didn’t get up in time to do it in the morning, and was too tired to do it when I got home. So I’ll be doing my midweek runs Thursday and Friday this week, which is less than ideal, but will have to do. My new Nikes that I bought on eBay arrived a few days ago, so I’ll wear them today. They’re exactly like my old Nikes, except for the color, so there won’t be any problems with them. I’ll probably need another pair somewhere along the way. I should go ahead and buy another pair of Nike Shox 2.45s now, if I can, so I’ll be ready and won’t have to worry about breaking in an unfamiliar pair of shoes for the marathon.

The last few days have been too tiring to do anything but go to work and do the minimum daily necessities. I generally like to have one day of rest and recuperation after a trip before going back to work, but this time it didn’t work out that way. And Tuesday and Wednesday are my longest and hardest days. It wasn’t horribly exhausting, but I’m glad to have a bit of respite.

The weather has cooled down considerably. Days are in the 80s, nights in the 60s. Perfect summer weather. It’s been too cool to try out my swamp cooler! I should do it anyway this weekend, just to make sure it works. I’ve been keeping the box and packing materials intact in the utility room until I try it out, so it would be nice to be able to break that down and get it out of the way.

I have the usual ton of stuff to do this weekend. I haven’t even decided yet exactly which jobs to tackle tomorrow. I still haven’t called 3Way Chevrolet for an appointment to get my truck window and door fixed; I should do that this morning while I’m thinking of it. Also this morning I need to bring in the laundry, and burn the junk papers.

Other things that need doing:

  • Check oil in the generators; change or fill if necessary
  • Install solar molers here and at Mom’s
  • Get out weed-whacker and begin cutting weeds
  • Service the chainsaw, or get it serviced
  • Begin cutting wood for winter
  • Build a new shelf for the cat enclosure
  • Fix the window screens on the kitchen and bedroom windows
  • Clean the battery terminals
  • Rewire the generator hookup

Those last two have been on the list since last fall. I have a lot of stuff to do this summer. I’ve been kind of distracted by other things lately—it was way too hot to do anything but lie around and breathe during the heat wave, and then I had the Las Vegas trip. I need to get back in the habit of working on projects at least once a week.

I will try to do at least the first two items this weekend. Checking oil in the generators won’t take long anyway, it’s only if one or the other of them needs an oil change that might take a bit of time. I might have a trip to Bakersfield, if I can get an appointment to get the truck worked on for tomorrow or Monday.

Time to get busy then!

Here’s a photo of the Las Vegas Hilton, home of the Star Trek Experience!

Las Vegas Hilton

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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