
Back to work today
And back to daily living
Vacation mode off

Ah. I had a good night’s sleep last night, but still could use a day to rest and recharge before going back to work. But it is not to be! I’ve got about an hour before I head in to the library. It should be a busy day, though, which will keep me occupied and pass quickly.

I had a great vacation, but it’s good to be home. Spot slept with me last night and gave me lots of nice kitty snuggles. I miss him when I’m gone. The other kitties stay in their room most of the time, so I don’t have much daily contact with them, but Spot is my constant companion. Mom says he was quite a pill while I was gone, sneaking in a big squirrel, and then later a mouse. And Socks didn’t want to come in from her enclosure and Mom had to go outside with a flashlight to scare her in. Heh.

The fishies are fine. I had promised myself I’d clean the fish tank the day I got home, no matter how tired I was. And I did, and I was. I also pumped water yesterday. So those chores are taken care of for the week.

After seeing Spamalot in Vegas, I wanted to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail again, so I dug out my copy, which turns out to be a fairly ancient videotape, and made a DVD copy of it while I was watching it. Since it’s so old, it wasn’t copy-protected and I was able to dub it directly in the DVD Recorder. It was fun to see it again, but at some point I should get a DVD of it. It’s hard to read the goofy opening credits on tape, and they’re part of the fun.

So. No plans for today except to work. Tomorrow, I’m back to my weekly running schedule, with a two-mile run around the house. The weather seems to be cooling off, so I hope it won’t be too hot in the morning. I’ll have to try to get up a bit early. Today I slept in until 8:20 or so—and felt as though I could have easily slept for another hour or two.

Here is the Alien Fresh Jerky store in Baker, Ca. That’s Bittermint standing beside the car, unknowing that she’s being photographed.

Alien Fresh Jerky

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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