
Vegas in two days
I should be getting ready
Instead of posting

But I couldn’t help it. Te’s post was linked on metafandom and I had to go back and read comments some more. And, in light of having gone to see the Transformers movie again yesterday, I felt compelled to add a final note. Nothing of any substance, just some general moaning about the state of affairs. Sigh. I don’t think I’m really adding anything to the discussion. But I do feel bad about the whole mess, so I said so.

Which leads me to yesterday—yes, despite having much to do, I did take the time out to go see the Transformers again, and I’m glad I did!  I love that movie so much. I think I loved it even more the second time. I was able to catch a lot of stuff I didn’t catch the first time around, and see the action a bit better from farther back. Well, I sat in the fourth row, but the screens are smaller at the Hitching Post, so I was able to see the whole screen in my view.

I also got a lot of cleaning done. I cleaned the bathroom and swept and mopped the floors first, then I called Mom and met her in town for lunch at the King of Siam—really good Asian food. Last time I ate there, I had Pad Thai. It was good, but they put chicken in their Pad Thai, which I didn’t really like. I could have asked them to leave it out—they’re very accommodating to special orders—but I didn’t. This time, I asked for chow mein with no meat. The guy asked me if I wanted tofu and vegetables, or just vegetables, and I asked for tofu, and it was really, really good! Perfectly cooked tofu, with a firm skin on the outside, and creamy soft inside. Also nice fresh vegetables and noodles. Yum!

After lunch, Mom and I split up, and I went on to do errands. Got cash at the bank, washed my truck, picked up mail, bought a battery pump at Kmart and a few other things, then it was time to head to the movie!

Had lots of love for my Transformers, then headed home to finish the day’s chores. I still had vacuuming to do, which I usually do during the day to take advantage of the sun, but I needed to pump water again anyway, so I vacuumed while I had the generator on. Did the whole house except the kitties’ room: back room, sun room, front room, and bedroom. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the whole house vacuumed and swept at once! It feels so nice! I really would like to keep the house cleaner than I do, but events always seem to intervene.

I also got vitamins at Kmart, so finally have started taking iron again, along with calcium, Vitamin C, and a multivitamin. I feel better already! I suppose that means my diet is inadequate, if a few vitamins make so much difference. Ah well, at least I’m getting them one way or another.

Today I was vaguely planning to try to run, so I could do Tuesday and Thursday short runs this week. But I didn’t. I suspect I am just going to take the week off entirely. I got up early enough to run, but then got involved in lj comments again. Now it’s 9:30 already, and I haven’t had breakfast or showered yet. Sigh. I never have enough time. Tonight, I’m planning to go to the movies again with John, if he still wants to go. He said he’d call me at work. If he doesn’t, I’ll call him before I leave. The movie we want to see is at 7:30. I’ll probably just stay in town and grab something to eat, rather than coming home for less than an hour, then going back to town.

I still need to do a bit of shopping—I forgot to buy cleaning liquid while I was in town yesterday, and the pump I bought needs batteries. I was going to buy some while I was at Kmart, but I couldn’t find their battery display. I thought I might have enough, but I need four D batteries and I only have two. So maybe I’ll stop at Walgreens today and get some.

This is a photo of the Kern River, taken on our “Mystery Tour” on Mom’s birthday this year.

Kern River

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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