
Three days till Vegas
I still have so much to do
Time to ramp it up

Didn’t sleep well last night again. I must remember to get some iron pills today. Iron, calcium, magnesium, and folic acid were the supplements most recommended to help restless legs syndrome in my googling. I know I was sleeping better when I was taking iron.

The weather is cooling down a bit, which also should help. I was lying in bed last night around 4 am, unable to sleep, when Spot came and lay down at my side. He’s been staying either at the side of the bed or out in the other room since it’s been so hot—too hot to snuggle. Last night it was cooler, in the 60s I think, with a cool breeze coming in through the window. It felt so good to have his hot little back pressed against me. I curled up with him and finally fell asleep.

Yesterday was tiring… my eight-mile run was hard, it was way too hot out there. I think I’m going to start doing 2:3 on my long runs instead of 2:2. Anyway, I stayed tired and irritable all day, but I did still manage to get a load of laundry done, cleaned the fish tank, and pumped water. Also watched a lot of Transformers Season 3. I’m enjoying it quite a bit—the episodes are good, and the story line continues through the episodes. It occurred to me yesterday that Galvatron is like Travis II in Blake’s 7—he’s a continuation of a character from the previous season, who’s gone completely bonkers. Then I started trying to compare Transformers to B7: Optimus Prime is Blake, of course. After that, things pretty much fall apart, heh. But the change of cast from S2 to S3 has similarities. Well, that was my meta for the day. I still miss Megatron. For some reason, the last few S3 eps I’ve watched have had these little “history of the Transformers” recaps at the end, and every time I see Megatron in the recaps it makes me miss him more. Sigh. Well, just have to go back and re-watch the first two seasons, I guess, while I wait for the movie to come out on DVD.

I’ve been considering going to see the movie again this afternoon. I shouldn’t, I’ve got too much to do. Actually, I don’t really know what I’ve got to do, except in general: I need to clean up the house some—clean bathroom, sweep and scrub floors, vacuum carpets, and go to town for various things like iron pills and an air mattress pump. I dug up my old air mattress, and it looks like it’ll do fine. I just need a pump to fill it, because it doesn’t have one. I need to pump it up to make sure it still holds air, though. It looks okay, but it’s been in the closet unused for so many years, the seams might have degraded by now. We shall see. I don’t think I need much else… I’ll have to sit down and make a list when I’m done here, to make sure I know what I need to do.

Today is my last full day to do stuff before Thursday. Tomorrow, John and I are going to see the new Die Hard movie in town after work, so there will be no time to do anything tomorrow. Wednesday evening I’ll have some time, and I’ll also have time Thursday, since they won’t be arriving until probably 3 pm or later. I expect I’ll do my packing on Thursday.  I should start making a list of things to pack.

Here is a picture of my goldfish, Silver, who hasn’t been doing so well lately, mostly sitting at the bottom of the tank and not eating much. She was much better after I cleaned the fish tank yesterday, though, so I think the heat has been getting to her, along with not cleaning the tank as often as usual the last few times. I’m going to change some more water on Wednesday or Thursday before I leave, and I’m using Melafix to get rid of any bacterial infections that might be floating around.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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