
Giant robots come
They’re stomping on our cities
Transformers invade!

Yes, I am so excited about seeing the Transformers movie today! That is how I’m celebrating Independence Day—by watching giant robots smash things up! There are two showings at the Hitching Post Theaters today, at 12:30 and 3:30. I haven’t decided yet which one I’ll go to, it depends how long it takes me to finish my morning stuff and get ready to go. And since it’s already 9:20 and I haven’t done my morning run yet, it will probably be the 3:30 showing.

I may also go to the park and check out the Hot Dog Festival in the park while I’m in town. Maybe get some lunch there from one of the vendors. I don’t usually go to the Hot Dog Festival, not being a hot dog eater, but there will be booths (all the usual craftspeople, but there might be something new) and stuff. I will call Mom and ask her if she wants to go with me, but I don’t think she’ll want to see the movie, and I don’t think she’s that interested in the Hot Dog Festival either, so she probably won’t go.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I think my good mood is finally returning, along with my sleep. I forgot to get vitamins yesterday, but I think I’ll do a little googling about what supplements will help with restless legs (seems to me that’s one reason I started taking iron, so I should probably get some more iron pills) and try to get something that will help with that. I think that’s a large part of my difficulty sleeping—I get so restless, I can’t lie still, and I toss and turn all night. Even if I go to bed at a reasonable hour and seem to get plenty of sleep, I wake up tired after nights like that and don’t feel rested.

I’m also going to try a different tack with my diet. It seems that every time I try to go on a diet, I just end up gaining even more weight, or at best staying even. I think the problem is that, in trying to make myself eat certain foods, I’m ignoring what my body wants, and that makes me overeat certain other things and never feel satisfied. I think it’s time to start listening to my body and eating what it tells me it needs. So, for dinner last night, I had some cantaloupe and a bowl of oatmeal with raisins. Yum! I think as long as I try to eat real food and avoid junk, I can stay healthy and eat less by eating what I want and forgetting about measuring out grams of protein and carbs and imposing a schedule that’s not natural to me. We’ll see how well that works. I really do want to try to lose at least 10 pounds by the time of the marathon, but so far I haven’t lost anything. I probably have gained muscle since I’ve been running, so perhaps it evens out, but I still want to get rid of some fat as well.

Which reminds me, I also need to get some new running shoes. I’ve found people on eBay selling brand-new Nike Shox 2.45’s for around $70–$80, plus shipping, which seems like a good deal. No red ones, though. The 2.45’s have been discontinued and it’s hard to find them. I have a couple of pairs on watch (one’s probably ended already, I’d better go check my watch list) and will pick one soon.

I also keep forgetting to make an appointment with 3Way Chevrolet in Bakersfield to get my truck window and door fixed. But it seems that’s not quite as urgent now, because bittermint and lycanthrophile have offered to stop by Tehachapi on their way to Las Vegas and pick me up, so I won’t have to drive separately. The only downside is that they’re traveling on Thursday, not Friday, so I’ll have to take Thursday off work. I don’t like to miss another day, especially since we’re so short-handed lately, but it will be nice not to have to drive, and what the heck, it’s another day in Las Vegas! I’ll have to talk to Carol tomorrow about it.

Here is a picture of the big oak tree in my front yard, taken at night with the moon shining through the branches. It was taken in winter, with the branches bare and snow on the ground.

Oak and moon

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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