
Keuka Lake State Park

Keuka Lake State Park
3560 Pepper Road
Bluff Point, NY 14478


September 18 – 22, 2022

Black pickup truck and trailer at a grassy wooded campsite.
Keuka Lake State Park

I went on one camping trip with my brother and sister-in-law before I decided that the big truck and trailer were too much for me, and later, I ended up trading in the F-150 for a small pickup truck, a Ford Maverick, and trading the trailer for a Class B campervan. I loved my trailer once it was safely settled into its site! But, after one experience hooking up my trailer and getting it out of its small parking space at my house, driving it along winding rural roads to a state park, backing the trailer into its site and getting set up, I was so stressed out I never wanted to do that again!

Not to mention that I’d fallen and broken my hip ten months earlier, and my hip had gotten infected and the partial hip replacement was loose and constantly subluxating painfully. I didn’t know this at the time, all I knew was that I was weak and feverish and in pain. So I wasn’t able to do a lot of things I’d have liked to do.

Written by Cody Nelson in: camping |

Jonestown/Hershey NE KOA Journey

Jonestown/Hershey NE KOA Journey
11 Lickdale Rd
Jonestown, PA 17038


August 15, 2021

Truck and trailer parked at a camp site, with trees and grass and cloudy sky
Jonestown/Hershey KOA

Arrived at the KOA at around 4 PM, after a long-ish drive that included some rain and some heavy traffic but was mostly okay. I knew it was going to be a long one after my detour to Charlottesville, but it went pretty smoothly.

This was one of my favorite campgrounds of the trip. Huge pull-through sites, most with full hook-ups, lots of trees, just a mile off the freeway. The camp store has a snack bar with hot food, groceries, and RV supplies, an ice cream shop, and all the usual KOA amenities.

Written by Cody Nelson in: camping,Cross-country move |

Charlottesville KOA Holiday

Charlottesville KOA Holiday
3825 Red Hill RD
Charlottesville, VA 22903


August 14, 2021

Black pickup truck and trailer parked on a gravel pad at a campground. The site is surrounded by tall trees.
Charlottesville KOA

The drive to Charlottesville was fine for the most part, with a few little episodes of excitement, including a cloudburst around 20 miles out, and some winding little country roads, with one left turn across a 4-lane road that was several feet higher on the oncoming side, and a tiny little left turn lane that had just enough room for my truck and trailer. I found out only after I’d arrived at the campground that the directions given by the KOA warned not to follow GPS directions, but to come around from the other direction to avoid just what I’d encountered. Oh well, I arrived safely anyway.

The campground was down among the trees, with a lot of odd-sized sites at assorted angles. My site was curved across the corner where the loop closed. It was easy enough to get into, but getting my trailer straight on the pad was impossible. After a few attempts to pull through until it was straight, and then back in, I decided that as long as the trailer was on the gravel and the hookups were in reach, and the truck was off the road, it was good enough. Thankfully, it was perfectly level.

Written by Cody Nelson in: camping,Cross-country move |

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